
About Us

Hi, I’m Mikko Rizzo, yet another one of the four founders of The Cryptid!! What I’ll be telling you about in this little section, is some basic facts about the four of us. Names, hometowns, favorite cryptids, all the usually asked questions! I will be reiterating and simplifying much of the information that James listed in our History column. So if you would prefer a more in-depth explanation for The Cryptid, I suggest you go there. Here we go!


Name: Elizabeth J. Melhang
Birthday: February 29, celebrated on the 28th.
Home town(s): New Orleans, U.S.A. | Isle of Boyce, Scotland.
Favorite Cryptid: The Loch Ness Monster
Main job: Head Investigator
To get the ball rolling we have Elizabeth J. Melhang, the ringleader of our little circus. Elizabeth is a Chitimacha woman who, due to the sad situation of her parents murder, was raised by her godmothers on the Isle of Boyce, in western Scotland. As per Elizabeth’s request, I will also say that it was specified in her parents wills that Elizabeth was to be put in their care, and that all proper proceedings were honored. She was very well cared for and is loved by her godparents. They homeschooled her, made sure she was well educated in her culture, and had all the support she needed. Hell, they even made their way back to the states a handful of times. Although sadly, some scars have stayed with our dear Elizabeth. In comes the Harlequin Great Dane, that Lizzy fished out of the Nile as a puppy on our first trip to Egypt, Najib. Who, I would like to mention, was named after Dr. Najib from Scooby-Doo. Yes, we do in fact see the parallels. After some raising and some training, Najib is now a top notch service dog. He goes wherever Elizabeth goes, and joins us on all of our adventures. He’s such a good boy, although he does overwork himself sometimes. Often trying to take care of all of us, when Elizabeth doesn’t need the help.


Name: Darsh Sharma
Birthday: January 18
Home town: Sherpur, India | Matslock, U.S.A.
Favorite Cryptid: Fresno Nightcrawlers.
Main job: Head Researcher and Psychic
Our darling Darsh is our resident Psychic, and the oldest member of our horrid little gang. Although he doesn’t always act it! Darsh was born in Sherpur, India and immigrated with his parents to the United States when he was six years old. After a few months of bouncing around visiting family, the Sharma family landed in Matslock, Arizona. They started a small peach orchard and were very happy with what they had. Sadly when Darsh was fifteen, he and his family were struck by a drunk driver in an eighteen wheeler. No one died, but Darsh lost both his legs. His left leg, just below the knee, and his right, just above the knee. Luckily, the driver’s insurance covered the damages and injuries, even Darsh’s physical therapy. Cut to now, and Darsh is an expert in his prosthetics and wheelchair! Plus, between The Cryptid and some tax/insurance wizardry, he has some incredibly versatile and fancy equipment. Putting aside Darsh’s physical dramas, as I stated, Darsh is a Psychic, and a damn good one. He is particularly skilled in speaking to the dead, and seeing just far enough into the future, at will, to be able to prepare for most things. Which has also led him to perpetually carry around bandaids, ibuprofen, snacks, and his favorite water bottle. Though it would be quite the lie if I said he didn’t utilize Najib’s many pockets, in his service dog vest, to carry some of his supplies.


Name: James Imamu
Birthday: October 31
Home town: Abe’s Town, U.S.A.
Favorite Cryptid: The Pope Lick Monster
Main job: Medical Expert and Witch
James is our local sweetheart, a sweetheart who also has an associates degree in nursing, and is a Witch. Personally, I’m convinced that James decided to get a nursing degree after seeing how royally screwed over Darsh and I were by the physical injuries throughout our lives. He’s never admitted it, always saying that he “just thought it would be fun”, but James is a terrible liar! So there's that! Anyway, back to him. I’ll start by saying that James is not Abe’s Town’s only witch. Infact, Abe’s Town is home to an eighty seven year old coven called The Archers Folly. Whose history, in short, is that an old fashioned fellow tried to skewer the local forest witch, who had quite the following of other witches and the local farmers, with a homemade bow and arrow. He was transfigured into one of the witch's tattoos. Now, for every four years of age, all the up and coming witches in The Archers Folly attempt to summon a tattoo on themselves. Some do it at eight, some do it at eighty, James earned his at sixteen. It also just so happens to be a full body, art deco, web of dark lines. Which for the record, due to the size and detail alone, is an incredibly difficult feat. Nowadays, James will help teach the covens youngins during our off days. He’ll also always spare a moment to cook up a position, or light an enchanted candle, or give Najib a treat, or make sure we’ve all eaten and gotten our vitamins. All that sweet stuff!


Name: Mikko Rizzo
Birthday: August 12
Home town: New Orleans, U.S.A.
Favorite Cryptid: Mothman
Main job: Religious Expert
(Howdy! Darsh here! Mikko wrote a shitty bio for herself, so I’m doing it :D)
Mikko is the baby of the group, although she does dress like a Men's Wearhouse model at even the most casual of occasions. Now, I should start with one of the most popular questions, in regards to Mikko. Why is she called “The Father”? Firstly, it's because she is an ex-catholic, as well as incredibly well versed in almost every religious and spiritual practice under the sun. Secondly, because she is probably one of the most effective and skilled Exorcists in the Southern U.S.A.. Mikko however did want to add that she is not entirely disconnected from her original church, “St. Godelieve Church”. Mikko is still in regular contact with the head priest, Father Samuel, will still sometimes sit in when the choir is singing, attend the occasional social event, or just come in to look at the windows. But she hasn’t attended a proper service since she was seven years old. As to why she’s an ex-catholic, the short and sweet answer is, don’t ask. Mikko doesn't like to talk about it, Elizabeth, James, and I don’t talk about it. Also, all of the, at the time, adult members of the Rizzo family signed a nondisclosure agreement with The Catholic Church, and we’re not going to put them in a compromising position.


Name: Najib Melhang
Birthday: celebrated on January 7
Home town: Luxor, Egypt | New Orleans, U.S.A.
Favorite Cryptid: The Flatwoods Monster
Main job: Emotional Support Animal
Some time ago, The Cryptid was in Luxor, Egypt, doing a favor for an old friend. After the case was done and dusted, we found ourselves with a few weeks left on our visas. Therefore, tourist shit! It was, after all, all of our first times in Egypt. After a few days of having our fun, we were lounging on a quiet bank of The Nile. The setting sun reflecting off the glittering watters as it endlessly rolled passed us. As we sat and watched, Elizabeth spotted a bag in the river that was floating towards shore. And, being Elizabeth, she waded right into the water without saying a word. She scooped up the bag, came back to shore, and slowly started opening it. What we sadly found inside were three puppies. Harlequin Great Dane puppies, and two of them were already dead. The one left wasn’t moving, didn’t look like it was breathing, but it was warm, and the others were cold, and Elizabeth swore that she heard a whine. So we tried. After several minutes, the little puppy coughed up a big gulp of water. The little puppy whined, and cried, and breathed. His eyes weren’t even open yet. We dried him off and kept him warm the best we could. Then we buried his siblings right at the spot he started breathing, and made our way to a veterinarian. uckily